New bursaries for veterans in 2021/22

BASIC is thankful to be the recipient of 3 generous grants for a new veteran support programme.

The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity, and Greenwich Hospital have together contributed £12,000 over twelve months to allow Navy and Marine veterans access to our services.

Alongside this ABF The Soldiers‘ Charity have contributed £20,000 over 12 months to allow local army veterans the same access.

Finally, the Veterans‘ Foundation has granted £21k for psychotherapy and VR therapy support.

The funding will support a new programme for veterans from across the forces to access psychological therapies and neuro-physiotherapy for recovery support with neurological injuries and PTSD.

This is a great opportunity to continue supporting veterans to rebuild their lives.

Referrals for the programme can be made through our Veterans bursary referral form:

Our previous veteran bursaries supported by other funders have seen excellent results for participants – below are three case studies, and we are excited to be able to offer Navy and Marine veterans the opportunity to work towards similar outcomes.