Leon’s Story

After being in a coma for almost three months, Leon was left with paralysis of his right side, no speech and several other dramatic disabilities. He was unable to even to sit up unaided.

He began an intensive programme of multi disciplinary therapy with Highbank Neuro-Rehabilitation Centre in Bury and started a rehabilitation programme with BASIC. Leon determinedly achieved the goals he set for himself step by step until he could begin attending college. He is now working on a three-year BTEC Sports Science Course at Hopwood Hall and his long-term aim is to become a personal trainer.

BASIC worked with the College to put in several measures in place to help him on a daily basis, including supplying support workers to assist him. Among other things they help carry any equipment and take notes for him as he is unable to write with his left hand.

Leon is one of the many people that BASIC is helping to achieve personal life goals following brain and spinal injury.