Here at BASIC, we are so lucky to have some absolutely incredible fundraisers, Beverley is definitely one of those.
Beverly has taken on the incredible challenge of climbing Sydney Harbour Bridge.This is her story:
“ In 2013, I contracted viral Meningitis and had the first of serveral neurosurgeries. With a shunt in situ I regained full health and ran the BUPA London 10k. Unfortunately, after neurosurgery in 2015, I was left bed bound for months. I was forced to take early retirment from my role as a ward sister. I left hospital in a wheel chair less than 12 months ago fully dependent on my husband for all my personal care. I have worked very hard with phsyio and occupational therapists since then and have regained full mobility. I have been using the services at BASIC to improve my GAIT and walking skills ”
To hear more about Beverley’s amazing challenge and to donate further please click here.