We’ve waited a while to get our hands on these but can finally share
At the end of last year our community volunteer Terry Wilkinson (aka Bottle-Top Terry) was awarded 2nd place at the Spirit of Salford Awards. The recognition came for all the charity work he does that helps BASIC support our clients.
Terry first came to BASIC as a client himself over 10 years ago. His long-term neurological condition presented several physical and cognitive challenges. His goals were to improve his short-term memory and access vocational advice, both of which are achievements we’ve helped many people realise here at the centre.
Terry went through a 10-week vocational rehab course and found a job in Salford.
Following his rehab Terry wanted to give something back to the Charity for all the support he had received in helping him rebuild his life.
He took it upon himself to contact many organisations within the Community and ask for their support to collect bottle-tops for recycling. Terry does the rounds as often as he can and collects the used tops taking them away for recycling. This not only helps the environment, but also secures a payment from the recycling centre which he then donates to BASIC.
It feels like we’ve seen thousands of bottle-tops come through BASIC, and the hundreds of pounds raised so far have been re-invested into our rehabilitation services. This includes the Virtual Reality technology CAREN (Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment), a flagship service helping people with acquired brain or spinal injury, as well as those with a neurological diagnosis.
We love to see Terry when he visits and we’re proud to have him in the BASIC Community. Below are pictures of his award ceremony.

If you’d like to support others to rebuild their lives with our skilled specialists and cutting-edge facilities, please keep the service alive with a donation, or share our community stories to inspire others.