Rebuilding Lives – Stuart and Valerie

The team at BASIC received a great thank you letter from a client and his partner - we thought we’d share their story.

When Stuart fell and fractured his spine, they thought he would never walk again. But once treatment was over, pure determination was key to getting back on his feet, and even got him walking up the stairs. 

Unfortunately, two subsequent falls led to a broken arm, then a broken hip, and it began to get too much. 

Stuart struggled to get to his feet, and even weekly home physio couldn’t help him start moving. The therapist could no longer see the opportunity for meaningful progress and Stuart was discharged from his rehab programme. It seemed not even determination could help now. 

Then someone in the community suggested BASIC – and as Stuart’s partner Valerie herself says:

"it turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to us"

A friendly greeting and initial conversation identified that the first step to walking again was building confidence. The next session with BASIC’s specialist physio team brought Stuart to his feet while safe in their hands. From a very nervous position, things started to seem possible again. 

Weekly visits to BASIC using our virtual reality therapy equipment, alongside home exercises, aimed for the realistic goal of walking the length of the room with a stroller, and being able to get in the car. 

Through Stuart’s confidence, the skilled BASIC team, and a supportive partner, Stuart developed his capabilities and walked the full length of the room 3 weeks after his first session. In his life with Valerie outside the centre he even managed to get in the car and meet friends at Christmas and New Year. 

There are still areas to improve on but again in Valerie’s words:

His achievement is unbelievable. Before visiting BASIC I really believed that he would never walk again. The confidence and belief that Caroline and Carol have given him as well as the treatment to use his legs again is just amazing. They have worked magic. Words cannot express our gratitude to them.

If you’d like to support others to rebuild their lives with our skilled specialists and cutting-edge facilities, please help out with a donation or share our stories to inspire others.

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